The Truth About Biodegradable and Compostable Bags is Out - But No One is Asking the Right Questions

The Truth About Biodegradable and Compostable Bags is Out - But No One is Asking the Right Questions

If you’ve been proudly accepting biodegradable bags while out shopping and chucking them in your compost bin - STOP RIGHT NOW. And keep reading.

Three years ago, Richard Thompson, a British marine biologist who studies plastic waste, decided to find out for himself if the claims about biodegradable and compostable bags were true. In 2015, he and his graduate students at Plymouth University took several test subjects and placed them in three different environments: immersed in water, buried in soil, or exposed to outdoor air (like litter).

People are Picking up Trash for a New Internet Challenge: Say Hello to #TrashTag

People are Picking up Trash for a New Internet Challenge: Say Hello to #TrashTag

Well, it’s 2019 and memes really do come true. In reference to the ridiculous spoof internet challenges involving teens, Byron Román of Phoenix, AZ, posted to Facebook earlier this week that it would be great if the Internet could take up a more meaningful challenge than eating tide pods:

"Here is a new #challenge for all you bored teens," Román posted on Facebook. "Take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance, then take a photo after you have done something about it, and post it."