Go green on Instagram!

Go green on Instagram!

The power of social media is without a doubt ever-increasing, and the way we use it is quite literally in our hands to shape. Information and entertainment are readily available and increases the impact with every like, share and follow.

Social media has created a sense of community for many of its users and has become a highly creative platform for people, brands and networks to reach niche audiences. I've come to love using my social media presence to share messages I care about with my community, and with many incredible resources popping up across channels, it's easy to stay informed and engaged - if you're looking in the right places.

After COVID… What If?

After COVID… What If?

Where the Amable du Fond River flows from the northern edge of Algonquin Park, just before it starts zigzagging across our farm, there is a cataract with an unusual shape. It’s not big like the nearby Eau Claire Gorge, maybe it drops 35 feet altogether, but not all in one go. Step-by-step, its water falls down and across a misshapen staircase of big stone shelves. I go to this place often.

How water access impacts a pandemic

How water access impacts a pandemic

In light of the storm that is COVID-19, public health officials have insisted on several necessary measures to prevent infection - from self-isolation and sheltering in place, to physical distancing and wearing gloves and face coverings while in public, to washing your hands frequently with soap and water for twenty seconds.

But what happens when your community doesn’t have access to enough clean water to effectively keep yourself and your family safe?